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The Crux of the Matter - March 2025

Mark Rehagen

Men of Signum Crucis, best wishes to each of you as we make our final preparations for Lent during this Year of Hope.


Good results don’t usually come without good planning. 


If you hope that this will be the best Lent ever (and I am hoping you are), do you have those plans laid out?  You farmers and gardeners know that soybeans and carrots don’t grow unless you plant the seed, water them, fertilize them, and cultivate them.  Some plants also require some pruning.


Have you prepared the soil and bought the seed and fertilizer?  Are you prepared to do the work?


It’s not too late to set your plans for the best yield yet.


Might I suggest reading a good Catholic book (or two) during Lent?  I have dozens available to choose from that I will set out at our gathering on March 19.  Many men found their Lenten books last time, but there are still many more available.  Might I also suggest the Consecration to St. Joseph that begins on March 31 (see below), and/or the Exodus Lent Challenge that begins tomorrow?


Let us pray for one another as we begin our Lent, and throughout the journey, that the yield might be great.


Pope Francis…


…as you know, needs our prayers.

I hope that each of you will join me in prayer for our Holy Father, Pope Francis, who, as of this writing, is struggling in Gemelli Hospital in Rome with very serious bronchial issues. 


Click on this link to access the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ (USCCB’s) prayer for Pope Francis, which has been posted in the Monday Morning Memo of the Diocese of Jefferson City.


Let us all pray for the healing and comfort of Pope Francis.


Consecration Devotions in 2025


Man of Signum Crucis Dave Lankford is once again offering to facilitate three separate and distinct Consecrations during 2025.  These are


●     Consecration to St. Joseph, starting on March 31 and continuing through May 1, the Feast of St. Joseph the Worker;

●     Consecration to the Blessed Virgin Mary, starting on July 21 and concluding on August 22, the Feast of the Queenship of Mary; and

●     Consecration to Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament, starting on November 22 and concluding on December 25.


Our gathering on March 19 will be your last chance to join in on the Consecration of St. Joseph.  Please let Dave know as soon as possible if you plan to make this a part of your Lenten journey.


Pray for, Encourage, and Promote Vocations


Men, it’s time to redouble our efforts to pray for, encourage, and promote vocations within our fraternity, our families, and our circle of friends.  Remember that  without priests there are no Sacraments.  The Sacraments are our gateway to heaven.


Registration for Heart of a Hero Men’s Conference, April 25-26, 2025


Men, so many of you gave us tremendous support and encouragement for another round of “Heart of a Hero Men’s Conference” in 2025, scheduled for April 25 (evening) and April 26 (day), 2025.


Click here to register yourself (and others) for the 2nd Annual Heart of a Hero Men’s Conference at Cana Hall at the Cathedral of S. Joseph here in Jefferson City.


Father Anthony Viviano, Pastor of St. Andrew Church in Tipton and Annunciation Church in California, will offer Mass for us on April 26 and will be our keynote speaker earlier that morning.  Joe Heschmeyer from Catholic Answers will present twice to us–once Friday evening and once on Saturday morning.  Father Paul Clark, Diocesan Vocations Director and Chaplain of Helias Catholic High School and the Men of Signum Crucis, will present on Saturday afternoon, and Pat Castle, Founder of LIFE Runners, will wrap up our Conference on Saturday afternoon.


On Saturday, we will have Adoration and Confessions as we did last year.  We are working to arrange to have priests available both during the one-hour midday Adoration period, as well as before Mass.


And, once again, we will have a “Cigar and Bourbon” reception after the Friday meal–it was a big hit last year and a great way to meet many like minded great men in a casual (outdoor, weather permitting) setting.


I hope you are marking your calendar now.  Make plans to come, and bring a son or a dad, or an uncle or a nephew, or a neighbor or a friend.  This is an easy way to invite other men to follow you into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ.


Let me or any member of the Planning Group know if you have any questions about the 2025 Heart of a Hero Men’s Conference.


Opportunities to Help Sponsor the 2025 Heart of a Hero Men’s Conference


Before you buy your ticket for the Heart of a Hero Men’s Conference, if you or someone you know is in a position to help sponsor the Conference, we have a sponsorship level just your size.  Our sponsorships are packaged with tickets for the Conference.  Click here for a copy of the Sponsorship Form, or see or call Donnell Rehagen, Larry Jansen, or Philip Schulte for more information.


40 Days for Life Prayer at Planned Parenthood in Columbia


Men, due to the decision by Planned Parenthood to once again perform abortions in Columbia, and because of a great need to fill hours of prayer on Saturday mornings, I have personally signed up to pray in front of the clinic on Saturdays from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. between March 8 and April 13.


I have done this several times before, but never while abortions are being performed at the Columbia location.


Though I don’t know if Planned Parenthood will be performing abortions at that time of the morning on a Saturday, they have announced they will resume performing abortions at that location “in early March.” 


Men, this is too close to home (but, then again, anywhere in America is too close to home for these activities).  It’s time to be seen and heard.


The procedure is simple:  we go to the sidewalk in front of the clinic and quietly pray.  My usual routine is multiple Rosaries prayed during the hour.  I don’t anticipate our role will change–we don’t counsel or confront–we just pray.


If anyone would like to join me, feel free to contact me for carpooling arrangements, or just show up at 8:00 a.m. at 711 N. Providence Rd. in Columbia.  If you can’t make it or just don’t feel called to that activity, please pray for an end to abortion, particularly at that hour of the week.


May God bless America.


Joseph Challenge Annual Pilgrimage in St. Louis


Men, are you looking for a challenge to honor the Patron Saint of the Men of Signum Crucis?


Look no further than the Joseph Challenge Annual Pilgrimage in St. Louis.


Plans have changed from the information that I provided in the last newsletter and at the February gathering


This year’s Annual Pilgrimage is a one-day 9.5 mile walk that will take in the Oratory of Ss. Gregory and Augustine in Richmond Heights at 8:15 a.m. for Mass (starting point), the Carmel of St. Joseph (Ladue), St. Joseph Church (Clayton,) and then return to the Oratory at approximately 2:30 p.m.  The date is Saturday, May 3.  


Click here to learn more about the history of this challenging event.


Recommended Spiritual Reading List

Thank you to John Doyle, Tim Holly, and Sean McKenzie for working on a Spiritual Reading List for the Men of Signum Crucis.  We look forward to receiving your “best Catholic reads” list.


Thank You to Father Paul Clark (and to our February attendees)


Thank you to our Chaplain, Father Paul Clark, for braving the elements on February 19 to celebrate the Holy Mass for us.  We appreciate being reminded of our baptismal promises and our duty to take that message home (along with a bottle of Holy Water).  Thanks also to the brave Men of Signum Crucis who weathered the cold temperatures to be present.  Your voices sounded great in unison of prayer and song.


Our Next Gathering–March 19–Solemnity of St. Joseph!!


One of our own, Larry Jansen, will be our presenter at our next gathering, on March 19, on the “Spirituality of Hope.” 


Larry and I spoke after my presentation on Catholicism and the Culture last August, and I mentioned to him that I felt I had run out of time to adequately address what should be our response to the issues besetting Catholic families in our day–namely prayer and the hope that springs from it.  I asked Larry if he would consider speaking about the need for this response.  I am sure his presentation will be a great sequel to “Catholicism and the Culture.”  I hope you can attend.


Rosary begins at 6:00 p.m. for anyone who can arrive a bit early.


Food and fellowship will follow in the Commons after Larry’s presentation.  You might expect a little bit of a celebration due to the Solemnity of St. Joseph.  A Solemnity is a Feast Day that should be celebrated the same way a Sunday in Lent is observed.  For example, on March 19, Exodus 90 will absolve us from our usual Wednesday fast and abstaining, and will also encourage us to relax another discipline besides.  So, especially because it is the Solemnity of our Patron Saint, truly we Men of Signum Crucis should observe it.  Not to observe its special status gives diminished significance to our observances during the rest of Lent.


Hope to see you on March 19.


In Conclusion…


I hope each of you will bring another new man or two with you to our March 19 gathering–young or old, old or new.  They’ll be glad you asked them.


We are called to be disciples, and as disciples we have a calling to spread the Gospel in whatever way we can.  Bringing someone new to our monthly Gatherings is a great way to fulfill our missionary calling.


Thank you for your loyalty to the Men of Signum Crucis.  Your dedication to this growing apostolate is inspiring.  I pray that our gatherings help you grow in your faith each month.


Men, don’t forget to express your gratitude to your priests as often as possible.  Thank them after each Mass you attend for giving you the opportunity to receive the Real Presence of Jesus himself.


And, let us never forget:  St. Joseph “chose hard.”  When given the choice, let’s choose to do the same.


St. Joseph, Foster Father of the Son of God, and patron saint of the Men of Signum Crucis, pray for us.

In hoc signo, vinces,

Mark Rehagen

Future Events:         


●     March 19, 2025 (Larry Jansen, “The Spirituality of Hope”)

●     April 16, 2025 (Justin Francka on Mission and Service)

●     May 21, 2025 (Adoration, Confession, and Benediction)

●     June 18, 2025 (David Herman, presenter)


Mark your Calendars now



You won’t want to miss this one!


St. Joseph, Foster Father of the Son of God and Patron Saint of the Men of Signum Crucis, pray for us.

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