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The Crux of the Matter - January 2025

Mark Rehagen

Updated: Jan 30

Men of Signum Crucis, Merry Christmas!


This is my favorite time of the year, for many reasons–first, of course, is the celebration of the birth of our Savior, coming to earth to be “God-with-us,” a notion that was difficult to fathom 2,000 years ago, and still is today.  If it hadn’t really happened and weren’t true, how could we have ever imagined that God would send his Son to reveal himself and then to die on the cross for us, opening a spot for each of us in heaven?

But the other reason(s) that I enjoy this time of the year is the celebrations of the Feasts of St. Stephen (December 26), St. John, Apostle and Evangelist (December 27), and the Holy Innocents (December 28).  Each one of these feast days is a “call to action” for each Man of Signum Crucis.


How so?


As I write this newsletter on the Feast of St. Stephen, I can’t help but be amazed at this first martyr of the Christian era.  The reading from Mass today from the Acts of the Apostles tells us that he was “filled with grace and power” (Acts 6:8) and that those who could not yet understand the teachings of Christ “could not withstand the wisdom and the spirit with which he spoke” (Acts 6:10).


Stephen had the choice to save his life by denying the teachings of Christ, but instead he “took it like a man” (my words) and became the Protomartyr of the Church.  Men, that takes courage that we all should strive for.  How often do we mince words to avoid a discussion about something that really needs to be said?  Let us take courage in the example of St. Stephen.


This newsletter is being delivered to you on this Feast of St. John the Apostle and Evangelist.  What a respectful and caring man he was. 


In today’s Gospel passage from the 20th chapter of his Gospel, we are told the story of the discovery that Jesus had risen from the dead.  It was Easter morning, and following Mary Magdalene’s announcement that the tomb was empty, the elderly Peter and the youthful John raced to the tomb.  Who else but John could have arrived first?  But, acquiescing to the primacy of Peter that Jesus had previously made very clear during his ministry, John allows Peter to enter the tomb first to validate Mary Magdalene’s observation.


John is quick to the tomb of Christ, but then steps to the side to give someone else (his elder) the opportunity to witness the miracle first.  What a young gentleman!  Let us also strive to be gentlemen as we bring our family and friends to Christ.


Third, the observation of the Feast of the Holy Innocents reminds me of our responsibility to protect the most vulnerable in our society.  These clearly are the unborn, for sure, but let’s not forget anyone who is on the margins of our society–the poor, the homeless, the disabled, the downtrodden.  As Men of Signum Crucis, let us look for opportunities to protect and defend those who need us for their defense


And, during this Christmas season, let us pray for our priests–the “St. Stephens” and “St. Johns"– the heroes of our time who sacrifice everyday to bring us the Sacraments.  As Men of Signum Crucis, we owe them our prayers and support.


And finally, men, let us pray for one another to become the “St. Stephens” and “St. Johns” that we are called to be.


New Name for Newsletter:  “The Crux of the Matter”


Our monthly newsletter has been renamed “The Crux of the Matter.”  The Latin word crux means “cross,” so I hope you can tell how appropriate this new name is for our newsletter. 


 Jason Kehl from State Knights of Columbus Supports Men of Signum Crucis


We were honored that Jason Kehl represented the Missouri State Knights of Columbus at our December gathering, informing me that our monthly gatherings offer the Prayer, Formation, and Fraternity that members of the Knights can take advantage of to satisfy requirements for the Knights’ COR program.  We are glad the Knights view our monthly gatherings in such high regard and we are glad to partner with them to strengthen the faith of every man in our area.


My thanks to Knights and Men of Signum Crucis members Bill Lueckenhoff and Jeff Cassmeyer for coordinating the visit by Jason.  Jason, we hope that you will come often in the future and bring other men with you.


Thank You to the Men of Signum Crucis Assisting at the Ordination!


Thank you to the following Men of Signum Crucis for helping at the reception at Cana Hall following the Ordination of Father Gregory Clever on December 7:  Mark Javersak, Brian Johnson, Mike O’Rourke, David Gramlich, Kevin Vollet, Gary Miller, Roy McKenzie, Sam Orr, Ed Carter, Devin Koelling, Richard Matanane, Mike Rehagen, Ryan Veasman, Perry Scott, Dave Lankford, Kevin Stock, Shawn Gerstner, Kevin Kolb, Andy Distler, Russ Anderson, Justin Bruemmer, and Cooper Bruemmer.  This was a great way for the Men of Signum Crucis to show our support and appreciation to Father Clever (and all priests).


The motto of the Men of Signum Crucis is “Fraternity through Study, Devotion, and Service.”  I would like each Man of Signum Crucis to consider becoming more engaged in service in the future, by assisting on Helias Mission Trips or Retreats, or other service work in our local parishes or beyond.  Let me know if you would like to assist in a Mission Trip or Retreat, or if you know of any service projects in your parishes (or beyond) that we could help with.


Thank you to Dave Lankford (and a request)…


Many of us made the Consecration to the Holy Eucharist on Christmas Day upon completion of Matthew Kelley’s 33 Days to Eucharistic Glory.  It was a fantastic Consecration–the best I have ever made.  We owe much appreciation to Dave Lankford (again) for guiding us to and through the 33 Days.  I told Dave on Christmas eve that I plan to use the book in my Spirituality class at Helias this next semester.  If any of you would loan your book to me for the semester, please let me know.


Exodus 90 Begins on January 20, 2025…


Men, looking ahead to those “New Year’s Resolutions” that we tend to put off thinking about until it’s too late to start one (just sayin’...), let me suggest that you delay even further and start a manly resolution on January 20–Exodus 90.


With the support of other men, men who enroll in Exodus 90 take on ascetical practices for the 90 days leading up to Easter.


Exodus 90 is not for the faint of heart.  We give up television, eating between meals, meat on Wednesdays and Fridays, the internet (except for work purposes), sweets, liquor, and more, while we shower only in cold water and commit to regular strenuous exercise (relative to our stage in life…).


90 days is proven to be the amount of time to clear your body and mind of vices–if you have both your heart and mind in the effort. 


Don’t try it if you don’t want to take on a challenge.  But, it will change your life.


Your life doesn’t need changing?  You’re already ready for heaven?  Hmmm…


I think many don’t try something so challenging because we don’t think we can “do it all.”  So, we become complacent and instead of attempting to do something, we do nothing (I have experience at that…).


Don’t let the perfect get in the way of the good.  I think it is quite acceptable to nibble away at the ascetical practices during your first year by implementing one new Exodus 90 practice each week.


Need some encouragement?  Talk to me or the Men of Signum Crucis who formed the Exodus 90 support group last year:  Father Mark Porterfield, Jeff Cassmeyer, Mike O’Rourke, Mark Mehmert, Ryan Veasman, Ryan Jennings, John Cassmeyer, and Kevin Kolb.


Support groups should be 5-8 men in size, so some of us who have been through Exodus 90 before could split off and provide support in another Men of Signum Crucis Exodus 90 group (or two).


Your family and friends will appreciate that you are considering it.


As I say at the end of every newsletter:  St. Joseph “chose hard.”  When given the choice, let’s choose to do the same.


Heart of a Hero Men’s Conference, April 25-26, 2025


Men, so many of you gave us tremendous support and encouragement for another round of “Heart of a Hero Men’s Conference” in 2025.  We have selected the dates of April 25 (evening) and April 26 (day), 2025.


Already confirmed to be with us are Father Anthony Viviano, Pastor of St. Andrew Church in Tipton and Annunciation Church in California, who will offer Mass for us on April 26 and will be our keynote speaker earlier that morning; Joe Heschmeyer from Catholic Answers, who will present twice to us–once Friday evening and once on Saturday; Father Paul Clark, Diocesan Vocations Director and Chaplain of Helias Catholic High School and the Men of Signum Crucis; and Pat Castle, Founder of LIFE Runners, who will also present on Saturday.


On Saturday, we will have Adoration and Confessions as we did last year.


And, once again, we will have a “Cigar and Bourbon” reception after the Friday meal–it was a big hit last year and a great way to meet many like minded great men in a casual (outdoor) setting.


I hope you will mark your calendar now and anxiously await the registration forms that will be available after the new year.  Please plan to come, and also bring a son or a dad, or an uncle or a nephew, or a neighbor or a friend.  This is an easy way to invite other men into a deeper relationship with Christ, in a very low key way.


Let me or any member of the Planning Group know if you have any questions about the Heart of a Hero Men’s Conference.


Opportunities to Help Sponsor the Heart of a Hero Men’s Conference


Before you buy your ticket for the Heart of a Hero Men’s Conference, if you or someone you know is in a position to help sponsor the Conference, we have a sponsorship level just your size.  Click here for a copy of the Sponsorship Form, or see or call Donnell Rehagen, Larry Jansen, or Philip Schulte for more information.


Thank You to Father Dylan Schader


Thank you to Father Dylan Schrader from St. Joseph Church (Westphalia) and St. Anthony of Padua (Folk) for presenting on the “Gifts of the Holy Spirit” at our December gathering.  Father Schrader’s professor-like yet casual way of presenting the background for the Gifts of the Holy Spirit made a great impression on our men that evening.  Thank you, Father Schrader, for taking the time to prepare for and deliver your presentation on December 18.  We hope you will come again soon.


Note:  My apologies for not being able to attach Father Schrader’s PowerPoint presentation to this newsletter.  I hope to be able to provide it in the next newsletter.


 Our Next Gathering–January 15


Father Mark Porterfield will present on January 15 on the topic of the Sanctity of Marriage.  I have co-taught classes with Father Porterfield, and he is an excellent teacher of the faith.  I know you will enjoy his presentation and I hope you are marking your calendars now for our January gathering.


Food and fellowship will follow in the Commons after Father Porterfield’s presentation.


In Conclusion…


I hope each of you will bring another new man or two with you to our January 15 gathering–young or old, old or new.  They’ll be glad you asked them.


We are called to be disciples, and as disciples we have a calling to spread the Gospel in whatever way we can.  Bringing someone new to our monthly Gatherings is a great way to fulfill our missionary calling.


Thank you for your fidelity to the Men of Signum Crucis.  Your dedication to this growing apostolate is inspiring.  I pray that our gatherings help you grow in your faith each month.  Please give any Planning Group member your feedback regarding how we can make your time at our gatherings more faith-filled.  (Current Planning Group members are Father Paul Clark, Travis Bruemmer, Jeff Cassmeyer, John Hoke, Tim Holly, Tim Hronick, Larry Jansen, Brian Johnson, Sean McKenzie, Mike O’Rourke, Deacon Ray Purvis, Donnell Rehagen, Ken Sandbothe, Philip Schulte, and myself.)


Men, don’t forget to express your gratitude to your priests as often as possible.  Thank them after each Mass you attend for giving you the opportunity to receive the Real Presence of Jesus himself.


And, let us never forget:  St. Joseph “chose hard.”  When given the choice, let’s choose to do the same.


St. Joseph, Foster Father of the Son of God, and patron saint of the Men of Signum Crucis, pray for us.

In hoc signo, vinces,

Mark Rehagen

Future Events:  

  • January 15, 2025 (Father Mark Porterfield on the Sanctity of Marriage)

  • February 19, 2025 (Father Paul Clark, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass)

  • March 19, 2025 (Larry Jansen on Piety and Hope)

  • April 16, 2025 (Justin Francka on Mission and Service)


Mark your Calendars now


2nd Annual “Heart of a Hero” Men’s Conference–April 25-26, 2025


You won’t want to miss this one!


St. Joseph, Foster Father of the Son of God and Patron Saint of the Men of Signum Crucis, pray for us.

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