Men of Signum Crucis, happy Memorial of the Passion of St. John the Baptist! I hope that you will reflect when you read this newsletter about the sacrifices that we Men of Signum Crucis are called to make in order to prepare the way of the Lord in our world today. Recall that St. John the Baptist, Jesus’ cousin, paid the ultimate price for his speaking the truth about the teachings of Jesus Christ–Herod ordered John to be decapitated. We pray that we will not be asked to shed blood for our faith, but we always need to stand ready to defend our faith in many little ways when we encounter opposition to Christ in the world. May God grant us the courage to live our faith proudly at the most difficult times. In the “Digest” section below, you will learn of many ways to exhibit courage and show your faith to others.

Thank You!
First, though, I would like to thank 2018 Helias alumnus Lieutenant Jacob Ceglinski for delivering his reflection on the history of and his devotion to the Brown Scapular. I personally was inspired by the depth of Jacob’s devotion to the Brown Scapular at his young age. Jacob’s message was one of conviction–especially his personal witness to the impact of the Brown Scapular in his life. Jacob, thank you once again for your reflection, thank you for your courageous service to our country, and know that we are praying for your safety and you are always welcome in your fraternity of Men of Signum Crucis when you are home on leave. Oohrah!
September Gathering
Men, I hope you have marked your calendars for our next gathering, September 20. The September gathering marks the first anniversary of the Men of Signum Crucis, and we will observe it in the most appropriate way possible: the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass celebrated by our Chaplain, Father Paul Clark. The evening will also include an enrollment ceremony for men who wish to enroll in the Brown Scapular. Recall that Lieutenant Ceglinski pointed out that those who enroll must perform one of three courageous requirements: either 1.) recitation of the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary; or 2.) abstain from meat on Wednesdays and Saturdays; or 3.) with the priest’s permission, pray five decades of the Rosary every day. Please reflect on whether you are prepared for one of these requirements before you enroll.
As I mentioned at our July gathering, Man of Signum Crucis Ed Carter is providing every man of Signum Crucis with a Brown Scapular and two Miraculous Medals–one medal to keep, and the other to give away. One of the medals is .1 ounce of silver, and the other is .25 ounce of silver. Thank you, Ed, for your generous gift to each of us.
A Digest of Happenings in Central Missouri (and the Midwest)…
I learned just today that our very own Chaplain Father Paul Clark will present a “Walk Through the Mass” at the Cathedral on Wednesday, September 6 at 5:30 p.m. For more details, or to register for this event, contact Father Clark did a “walk through the Mass” for the Men of Signum Crucis during our two gatherings in November and December, and several of you asked whether we could have that done again during future gatherings. All are welcome at the Cathedral event, so this would be a good way to learn more about the greatest gift ever given–the Sacrifice of the Mass.
40 Days for Life will kick off its fall campaign of praying in front of Planned Parenthood in Columbia on September 26, and will conclude with a closing rally at St. Andrew Church in Holts Summit on November 4. Have you ever thought about participating in an hour of prayer at Planned Parenthood but didn’t because you didn’t know anyone else to go along with, or you didn’t know what it would be like, or you lacked enough courage to step out and show your faith? Hmmmm. Just maybe the Men of Signum Crucis could commit to an hour (or two) during the 40 days….. I hope you will consider this invitation to courageously defend America’s most vulnerable women and children–stay tuned for more information and registration options at our September 20 gathering.
Speaking of pro-life and standing up for his faith, recall that Man of Signum Crucis Dean Lamb is leading the charge for advocacy for the unborn as he leads the Rosary on the front steps of the Missouri State Capitol on Saturday, October 7 (the Memorial of Our Lady of the Rosary). I do not have the exact time for this event, but I will announce it at the September 20 gathering. I hope each of you will mark your calendar to make it to this inspiring event–you’ll be glad you did. Thank you, Dean, for courageously leading this event.
Throughout the year, I receive several reminders about Exodus 90, the all-in 90-day observance of ascetical practices that takes place during the 90 days leading up to Easter. In 2023, that means that Exodus 90 will begin on, yes that’s right, January 1. Exodus 90 is practiced in small support groups. A few Men of Signum Crucis joined together in a small group last year and prepared well to feast for the 50 days of Easter by fasting for the 90 days before. I will speak more about this in the future, but I hope you will exhibit courage and take the leap to enter into a more rewarding Easter season by accepting the challenge of Exodus 90.
Because of my current schedule, I don't think I can participate in this year’s “Three Hearts Pilgrimage” ending at Clear Creek Monastery Creek in Oklahoma, but this event is on my bucket list. Click here to learn more. It’s “only” a “two day, 35-mile penitential walk offering our physical and spiritual sacrifices for the defense of the traditional family and the sanctity of life.” It would take a bushel of courage to do this one, and it still wouldn’t out-do St. John the Baptist, but let me know if you are the type of person who is interested in participating in this sometime in the future.
I wanted you to know of some great things that are going on at neighboring Benedictine College in Atchison, Kansas. Benedictine College is a bedrock of our faith, and pushes out great graduates into the world (including our very own Chaplain, Father Paul Clark) and great video productions introducing viewers to the transcendentals of beauty, truth, and goodness. Consider subscribing to the Benedictine Dialogues at this website by clicking on this website (you’ll be glad you did):
Lastly, we are filling up the slots to provide help at the Ladies’ Retreat quite nicely, but we still have a few open slots to fill. Would you consider helping out on either the evening of Friday, October 6, or the morning or mid-day of Saturday, October 7? Call me at 573-680-2520 if you have not already volunteered and can help.
Eucharistic Revival
Men, I hope you are staying ever faithful to the Eucharist–we are nothing without it. Consider attending a daily Mass (or two) each week, and do your family a favor and invite them to attend also.
In Conclusion…
Men, take courage. John the Baptist did. The martyrs show us the courage to take on adversity when times are tough. Let us never avoid “hard” just because we can, but rather let’s accept and choose “hard” when we know we need to live up to a challenge. Doing so prepares us for times of temptation. Being courageous and “choosing hard” proves to ourselves that we can avoid those temptations that seem to seek us out.
I hope you are able to celebrate the first anniversary of the Men of Signum Crucis with your brothers on September 20 at Helias Catholic.. Our evening will officially begin at 6:30 p.m. with the celebration of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in the St. Pius X Chapel, with an optional Rosary at 6:00 p.m. Please come, and be courageous and ask (another) son, father, brother, uncle, or friend to come with you. Afterwards, we will enjoy fraternity and refreshments in the Commons.
Men, thank you for your fidelity to the Men of Signum Crucis. Your dedication to this fraternity is inspiring. I pray that you are growing in your faith each month, and that you will always invite other men to join us.
And, let us never forget: St. Joseph and St. John the Baptist “chose hard.” Let’s choose to do the same.
St. Joseph, Foster Father of the Son of God, and patron saint of the Men of Signum Crucis, pray for us.
In hoc signo, vinces,
Mark Rehagen
P. S. In hoc signo, vinces:
Future Gatherings:
● September 20, 2023 (Celebration of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and Optional Enrollment in the Brown Scapular)
● October 18, 2023
● November 15, 2023
● December 20, 2023