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November 2024 Newsletter

Mark Rehagen

Updated: Dec 26, 2024

Men of Signum Crucis, today is a great day in the Church, when we acknowledge the Church Triumphant, who won the battle and are in heaven.  Let us call upon them often today to intercede for us, to help us in the Church Militant endure in the battle.  On All Souls Day tomorrow, we will remember those who have passed away but are still in Purgatory–the Church Suffering.  Together the Church Triumphant, the Church Militant, and the Church Suffering comprise the Mystical Body of Christ.  Let us pray for one another.


This is a good time to be reminded that we will need to be perfected of all sins and sinful tendencies before we are able to enter heaven.  The Book of Revelation 21:27 says that, “...nothing unclean shall enter it, nor any one who practices abomination or falsehood, but only those who are written in the Lamb’s book of life.”  Many of the Church Triumphant have entered heaven through the intercession of others.  Therefore, especially tomorrow, on All Souls Day, while we ourselves strive for perfection, let us offer our prayers for the souls in Purgatory. 


Please be reminded of the exhortation given to us at the October gathering by Man of Signum Crucis, David Herman.  David reminded us that there are opportunities to obtain indulgences for souls in Purgatory by our works today and tomorrow and during the Octave of All Saints Day.  Click here to find a succinct article from Catholic Culture that explains the steps for obtaining an indulgence for a loved one.


Let us pray for one another often.


”Vote No on Amendment 3”


Men, I thank Brian Johnson who has helped us get signs in our yards to encourage all who drive by to defend life by voting “No” on Amendment 3.  Now it is up to each of us to do three things:


  1. Continue to pray that all people will come to the realization that life is sacred, from conception to natural death.

  2. Speak to others in your families and your social media networks about the importance of voting “No” on Amendment 3.

  3. Go out on November 5 (or before) and vote “No” on Amendment 3.  Remember the lines on election day will be long, so plan ahead, bring something along to accomplish while standing in line (perhaps this Litany of Life posted on the website of the Diocese of Jefferson City), and stay the course to vote “No” on Amendment 3.


Men, I have told the Helias Catholic seniors whom I teach that if this amendment passes, they might live with its repercussions for the rest of their lives.  It is unfathomable how difficult it would be to overturn this amendment with another amendment to cancel it.  This is why voting “No” on Amendment 3 is so important on Tuesday.


Mass on Election Eve at the Cathedral


Father Jones will be celebrating a Mass on Election Eve (November 4) at 6:00 p.m. This would be a great way to pray for civility and harmony in our nation as the results of the election will be contentious to various groups.  Please consider attending Mass at one time or another that day (other Masses offered that day in Jefferson City are 7:00 a.m. at Immaculate Conception or 12:03 p.m. at the Proto-Cathedral of St. Peter).


Help Provided at Women’s Retreat!


            Thanks to these Men of Signum Crucis for signing up to set up, help at the registration table, and to serve food at the Ladies’ Night Out tonight and their Retreat tomorrow:  Russ Anderson (X 3); Chuck Kramer; Jeff Cassmeyer; John Doyle (X 2); Ed Carter; Brian Johnson; Shawn Gerstner; Jerry Dunn; Warren Hollrah (X 2); Dan Hillen (X 2); Dave Lankford; Larry Wiskirchen; Travis Bruemmer; Dave Gramlich; Jared Horban; Kevin Stegeman; Roy McKenzie; Ryan McKenzie; and John Hoke.  Thank you, men, for your service.

Final Decision Made Regarding the Day for our Monthly Gatherings!!!


Men, as you know, we had been asked to consider changing the day of the month that we gather, due to a conflict with another meeting scheduled by the Helias Administration on the third Wednesday of each month at Helias.  Based on feedback I received from you and the sage advice provided to me by our Planning Group, I advised the Helias Administration that we were willing to move our date if needed.  However, in the meantime, the Helias Administration decided that they were able to move the day that they meet.  They decided to do that due to the large number of Men of Signum Crucis that such a change of date would impact.  I am very appreciative of the flexibility of the Helias Administration to accommodate the Men of Signum Crucis.


Therefore, we will continue to gather each third Wednesday of each month (rain or shine).


Cathedral of St. Joseph Men’s Night of Reflection


Men, we have been invited to the Men’s Night of Reflection at the Cana Hall of the Cathedral of St. Joseph on Thursday, November 14 at 6:30 p.m.  The event will feature Msgr. Robert Kurwicki speaking about the History of the Diocese of Jefferson City, and it will conclude at 7:30 p.m.


Healing Service at St. Thomas More Newman Center


Man of Signum Crucis Dave Lankford has informed me that Father Dan Merz has invited the Men of Signum Crucis to a Healing Service and presentation by Dr. Mary Healy entitled, “Biblical Healing, Then & Now” on Sunday, December 3.  Presentations by Dr. Healy will begin at 1:00 p.m. and will conclude with Mass at 5:00 p.m.  Click on this link to learn more about this event and to register.


Help Possibly Needed at Helias Catholic MonkLife Retreat


Have you ever thought of making a retreat at a remote location in Oklahoma with a bunch of Helias young men?  Well, here’s your chance to consider such an opportunity.


Last fall, Father Clark and I took several Helias students to the Benedictine Monastery of Our Lady of Clear Creek in Oklahoma for a retreat to get to know what monastic life is like.


The Monastery of Our Lady of Clear Creek is a traditional, cloistered monastery where all prayers and Masses are prayed in Latin.  My challenge to the students is to pray and work like a monk during our stay.  Depending on the number of young men who sign up to go on this retreat, it is possible we will need additional chaperones to drive, cook, mentor, and pray with our students


If this is something you would consider doing, please contact me at


Click here to access the website of the Monastery of Our Lady of Clear Creek.


Our Next Gathering–November 20


Our next gathering is on November 20.  Our annual schedule is set for us to have Eucharistic Exposition, Adoration, Benediction, and Confessions during our November gathering.  Therefore, the schedule is


6:00 p.m.:       Rosary for anyone able to arrive early

6:15 p.m.:       Confessions begin in multiple locations for anyone wishing to be back into the Chapel for Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament at 6:30 p.m.

6:30 p.m.:       Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Adoration; Confessions continue in multiple locations until 7:15 p.m.

7:15 p.m.:       Benediction 


Food and fellowship will follow in the Commons after Benediction.


In Conclusion…


I hope each of you will bring another new man or two with you to our November 20 gathering.  They’ll be glad you asked them.


We are called to be disciples, and as disciples we have a calling to spread the Gospel in whatever way we can.  Bringing someone new to our monthly Gatherings is a great way to fulfill our missionary calling.


Thank you for your fidelity to the Men of Signum Crucis.  Your dedication to this growing apostolate is inspiring.  I pray that our gatherings help you grow in your faith each month.  Please give any Planning Group member your feedback regarding how we can make your time at our gatherings more faith-filled.


Men, don’t forget to express your gratitude to your priests as often as possible.  Thank them after each Mass you attend for giving you the opportunity to receive the Real Presence of Jesus himself.


And, let us never forget:  St. Joseph “chose hard.”  When given the choice, let’s choose to do the same.


St. Joseph, Foster Father of the Son of God, and patron saint of the Men of Signum Crucis, pray for us.

In hoc signo, vinces,

Mark Rehagen

Future Gatherings:  


●     November 20, 2024 (Adoration and Confession)

●     December 18, 2024 (Father Dylan Schrader on the Gifts of the Holy Spirit)

●     January 15, 2025

●     February 19, 2025


Mark your Calendars now

2nd Annual “Heart of a Hero” Men’s Conference–April 25-26, 2025

You won’t want to miss this one!


St. Joseph, Foster Father of the Son of God and Patron Saint of the Men of Signum Crucis, pray for us.

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