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January 2024 Newsletter

Mark Rehagen

Men, Merry Christmas!  Let’s not forget that the Christmas season has just begun and extends to the Feast of the Presentation on February 2, so there is lots of Christmas left for all who started celebrating the feast on Monday.

Of course, Christmas means the New Year is right around the corner, and I hope we are all pondering what additional spiritual exercise(s) or devotion(s) we plan to take on at the beginning of the year.  Or, maybe your plan for the New Year will be to take on a spiritual exercise at the right time in 2024...


For example, as we heard Dave Lankford mention at our December gathering, Dave plans to lead Men of Signum Crucis participants in the 33-day Consecration to St. Joseph beginning February 16, 2024.  I am really looking forward to learning more about the man who is the patron saint of the Men of Signum Crucis while consecrating myself to him.  Dave and Ron Terhune are making it easy by providing the books, so all we need to do is click on this attached survey to let them know that you are in!  You can pick up your book at the January gathering, or make arrangements with Dave if you are unable to attend in January.  Your 15-20 minutes per day will be time well spent.

Another option for 2024 is Exodus 90, which starts earlier than ever–this Monday, January 1.  As I mentioned at the December gathering, Exodus 90 is not for the faint of heart (with the fasting, abstaining, exercise, and cold showers that are prescribed), but please don’t let the perfect get in the way of the good–even if you can commit to only a part of the disciplines this year, and ramp up in future years, you are making a step in the right direction regarding resolve and self-discipline.  When I first started Exodus 90, I experienced several “slip ups,” but gradually I have worked toward a fairly consistent pattern in recent years.  My thinking:  if it ain’t hard, what’s the use?  Click on this attached survey to let me know you are interested in joining a small group of Men of Signum Crucis to work together for the 90 days leading up to your most glorious Easter ever.  You want to learn more about Exodus 90 before you decide?  Click here to access the Exodus 90 website.


Lastly, at the December gathering we heard Man of Signum Crucis Ralph Voss offer to facilitate regularly scheduled meetings to learn more about Jesus Christ via the video series by Brant Pitre.  Although I have not seen this video series, I have read books by Brant Pitre on the case for Jesus Christ (isn’t it a shame we have to “prove” that Jesus Christ walked the earth–but it’s the world we live in…) that I have used in the classroom, and this topic is definitely in his wheelhouse.  There are no dates set yet for the start up of this program, so if you are interested, click on this attached survey and we will get back in touch with you to establish preferred day(s) of the week to meet, and to establish a meeting place that is convenient for as many participants as possible.


Men, regardless of whether you take advantage of any of these three offerings, I hope that you feel called to move above and beyond where you now are spiritually and to find that little something extra to add to your repertoire of devotions.  You, your family, and your parish will be glad you did.


At the December gathering, as we did in October, we gave you the choice to attend either a Devotional session, or a Study session.  This option has always been my hope, so that each man can decide whether his faith development needs more Devotion (heart) or Study (head) and attend the session that is best for him.  Now that we have done this a couple of times, I would like to get your feedback.  Is it good to offer this choice to you, or do you instead prefer that we always attend the same session and not offer the choiceClick on this attached survey to give me your vote.


In December we prayed the Scriptural Rosary before the sessions began, using the Joyful Mysteries.  If you are one of the many men praying the Rosary most or all evenings before our sessions begin, would you kindly click on this attached survey and give me your feedback?  Thank you.


Finally, this is your last call for ordering the book The Four Last Things, by Martin Von Cochem, through Man of Signum Crucis John Doyle.  John is able to order the book for you for $14.00.  Please contact me if you are interested in purchasing the book through John Doyle.


Thank You!


Thanks to Chris Hentges, Theology Teacher and Coach at Helias Catholic High School, and Larry Jansen, member of the Planning Group for the Men of Signum Crucis, for their stellar presentations on December 20.  Chris presented on Church History (which will continue in January), and Larry gave a reflection on the “O Antiphons.”  I heard many very, very positive comments regarding both sessions.  Thank you, Chris and Larry, for spending your personal time to give our Men of Signum Crucis two awesome options to choose from.



Shroud of Turin expert in Jefferson City on January 3:


●     Attend one of the sessions on the Shroud of Turin on January 3 at the Cathedral, presented by renowned worldwide expert Father Andrew Dowden, LC.  To have someone of this caliber come to Jefferson City to talk on this topic is a huge deal for Jefferson City.  Men of Signum Crucis Ralph Voss and Dr. Ken Rowan have been working for the past six months to get Father Dowden here–you’ll benefit greatly from this presentation and will support the efforts of Ralph and Ken at the same time with your presence on January 3, at either 2:00 p.m. or at 7:00 p.m. at the Cathedral.  The Shroud is a fascinating study that can and has transformed many atheists to believers.  I know you are believers, but I hope you’ll plan to attend to add another tool in your toolbox to guide your loved ones to or in the faith.



Men’s Conference in Overland Park on February 17:


●     Attend the Men’s Conference in Overland Park on February 17, 2024.  Speakers include Dr. Scott Hahn, Dr. Ray Guarendi, Archbishop Naumann, Benedictine College President Steve Minnis, and Braden Johnson, a young man who will speak of his reversion to the Catholic faith during college.  Click here to learn more about the “Men Under Construction” group that hosts this annual conference.  I attended last year and plan to attend on February 17 (let me know if you are interested in carpooling).



On the Horizon…


●     A Men’s Conference here in Jefferson City??  Wouldn’t that rock your socks??  Let me know if you are interested in attending and/or helping to make this happen…  We have tentative dates of Friday evening, April 19, and the morning and afternoon on Saturday, April 20, 2024.



Eucharistic Revival…


            Men, I hope you are staying ever faithful to the Eucharist–we are nothing without it.  Consider attending a daily Mass (or two) each week, and do your family a favor and invite them to attend also. 


            The two-year Eucharistic Revival in the United States will conclude on July 17-21 at the Eucharistic Conference in Indianapolis.  I am very seriously thinking about attending this Conference, where it is hoped that 80,000 oher people will fill Lucas Oil Stadium.  The United States has not held a Eucharistic Revival since before World War II, so it is very possible this is your last opportunity to go on record in support of the Eucharist and our faith by attending one.  I would love to see a contingent there from the Men of Signum Crucis.  Let me know if you are interested.  Click here to access more information via the official website.



In Conclusion…


            I hope you are able to gather with your fraternity of Signum Crucis on January 17 at Helias Catholic.  Ask (another) son, father, brother, uncle, or friend to come with you.  Each man present is needed–someone is better because you are there.  Afterwards, we will enjoy fraternity and refreshments in the Commons.


            Men, thank you for your fidelity to the Men of Signum Crucis.  Your dedication to this growing fraternity is inspiring.  I pray that you are growing in your faith each month, and that you will always invite other men to join us.


And, let us never forget:  St. Joseph “chose hard.”  Let’s choose to do the same.


St. Joseph, Foster Father of the Son of God, and patron saint of the Men of Signum Crucis, pray for us.

In hoc signo, vinces,

Mark Rehagen

Future Gatherings:

●    January 17, 2024 (Study on Church History and Devotion of the Chaplet of Our Lady of Sorrows)

●     February 21, 2024 (Celebration of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass)

●     March 20, 2024  (Study on Church History)

●     April 17, 2024  (Final Study on Church History)


St. Joseph, Foster Father of the Son of God and Patron Saint of the Men of Signum Crucis, pray for us.

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