Men of Signum Crucis, Happy Advent!
Andy Williams might have sung that Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year, but I think it takes a little preparation–maybe even a lot–for that to happen. That preparation is Advent.

I hope that your Advent is off to a great start and that you have taken on at least one new devotion this Advent season to make sure that your Christmas will be the most wonderful time of the year.
Thanks to Man of Signum Crucis Dave Landford, many of us are in the middle of our 33 Days to Eucharistic Glory. Thanks to Dave for bringing this devotion to our attention–it’s been a great read so far!
If you are not currently doing an extra devotion yet, it’s never too late to start one. To me, you can never go wrong with picking up an extra daily Mass (or two) per week. The Mass readings are beautiful and really help us to prepare for the coming of Christ. And then to top it off, we get to receive Christ himself present in the Eucharist.
What a gift we have available to us each day in the Church, even outside of the Christmas season! I hope you’ll accept this gift as frequently as you can.
Let us pray for one another often.
Ordination of Deacon Gregory Clever to the Priesthood
Men, those of you who were at our gathering in November got the opportunity to meet Deacon Gregory Clever, who assisted by providing the Exposition of the Eucharist and Benediction that evening. Our thanks to him for doing that while three priests heard Confessions that evening.
As I mentioned that evening, his Ordination to the Priesthood is this Saturday, December 7, at 10:00 a.m. at the Cathedral of St. Joseph. If you have never been to an ordination–and even if you have–this would be a great opportunity to show your support and pray for another man who will give his life in its entirety to the Church. It is an absolutely amazing thing to witness a man laying down his life for the rest of the Church. Yes, many of us have made a similar vow to our wives, till death do us part. And yes, it is our responsibility to lead our wives and families to heaven. But, Deacon Clever will commit himself to a lifetime of selflessly bringing us salvation through the Sacraments–the Sacraments through which we lead our families to heaven.
The priesthood is an awesome thing, and we as Men of Signum Crucis should do everything we can to assist our priests. They, like the Sacraments they bring, are a supernatural gift from God.
How about praying with and for Deacon Clever at his Ordination Mass?
I hope to see you there.
Thank You to the Men of Signum Crucis Assisting at the Ordination!
Thank you to so many of you who have signed up to assist at the Ordination of (soon to be) Father Clever.
A few weeks ago, Father Clark asked if we Men of Signum Crucis would provide support at the Ordination and reception. I said at the November gathering that, without hesitation, I had confidently told Father Clark that we Men of Signum Crucis would do whatever is needed for that day.
I wasn’t worried that I had over promised–I know you Men of Signum Crucis.
You came through with flying colors–again.
Thank you to the 25 men who are helping in one way or another that day. You make me proud to rub elbows with you, and more importantly you are taking a burden off of the Diocesan staff, but most importantly you are bringing joy to (soon to be) Father Clever and his family.
May God bless you for your selflessness.
MoSC Support Provided to Hurricane Victims
As I mentioned at the November gathering, we took a collection in October for victims of hurricanes that had recently taken place on the east coast. I had said in October that any money collected as food contributions that evening would benefit hurricane victims.
Thank you for your contributions that totaled $700 that evening!! Your generosity is amazing.
The Planning Group made the decision to send that money to victims inland–those who may never have expected or planned for a disaster of that magnitude since they are not on the coast. So, we sent the $700 to the Diocese of Charlotte, North Carolina, which had identified needs and set up efforts to assist victims in that area.
Please know that your generosity has helped to ease the stress for some North Carolinians in the Charlotte area. Thanks again for stepping up.
Exodus 90 Is Right Around the Corner…
Men, I know we’re barely into the season of Advent, but, looking ahead to just beyond the new calendar year and those “New Year’s Resolutions” that we tend to put off thinking about until it’s too late to start one (just sayin’...), let me suggest that you delay even further and start a manly resolution on January 20–Exodus 90.
With the support of other men, men who enroll in Exodus 90 take on ascetical practices for the 90 days leading up to Easter.
Exodus 90 is not for the faint of heart. We give up television, eating between meals, meat on Wednesdays and Fridays, the internet (except for work purposes), sweets, liquor, and more, while we shower only in cold water and commit to regular strenuous exercise (relative to our stage in life…).
90 days is proven to be the amount of time to clear your body and mind of vices–if you have both your heart and mind in the effort.
Don’t try it if you don’t want to take on a challenge. But, it will change your life.
Your life doesn’t need changing? You’re ready for heaven? Hmmm….
I think many don’t try something so challenging because we don’t think we can “do it all.” So, we become complacent and instead of attempting to do something, we do nothing (I have experience at that…).
Don’t let the perfect get in the way of the good. I think it is quite acceptable to nibble away at the ascetical practices during your first year by implementing one new Exodus 90 practice each week.
Need some encouragement? Talk to me or the Men of Signum Crucis who formed our Exodus 90 support fraternity: Father Mark Porterfield, Jeff Cassmeyer, Mike O’Rourke, Mark Mehmert, Ryan Veasman, Ryan Jennings, John Cassmeyer, and Kevin Kolb.
Fraternity groups should be 5-8 men in size, so some of us who have been through Exodus 90 before could split off and provide support in another Men of Signum Crucis Exodus 90 group (or two).
I have left you plenty of time to think about it. Write yourself a note to consider it again in about a week.
Your family and friends will appreciate that you are considering it.
As I say at the end of every newsletter: St. Joseph “chose hard.” When given the choice, let’s choose to do the same.
Heart of a Hero Men’s Conference, April 25-26, 2025
Men, so many of you gave us tremendous support and encouragement for another round of “Heart of a Hero Men’s Conference” in 2025. We have selected the dates of April 25 (evening) and April 26 (day), 2025.
Already confirmed to be with us are Father Anthony Viviano, Pastor of St. Andrew Church in Tipton and Annunciation Church in California, who will offer Mass for us on April 26 and will be our keynote speaker earlier that morning; Joe Heschmeyer from Catholic Answers, who will present twice to us–once Friday evening and once on Saturday; and Pat Castle, Founder of LIFE Runners, who will also present on Saturday.
On Saturday, we will have Adoration and Confessions as we did last year.
And, once again, we will have a “Cigar and Bourbon” reception after the Friday meal–it was a big hit last year and a great way to meet many like minded great men in a casual (outdoor) setting.
I hope you will mark your calendar now and anxiously await the registration forms that will be available after the new year. Please plan to come, and also bring a son or a dad, or an uncle or a nephew, or a neighbor or a friend. This is an easy way to invite other men into a deeper relationship with Christ, in a very low key way.
Let me or any member of the Planning Group know if you have any questions about the Heart of a Hero Men’s Conference.
Thank You to our Priests (and Deacon) Who Assisted at Our November Gathering
Thank you to Msgr. David Cox, Father Patrick Dowling, and Father James Finder for hearing Confessions during Adoration at our November gathering, and once again to Deacon Gregory Clever for the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Benediction.
Men, always thank your priests for the Sacraments they provide to us, but I hope you will thank these fine clergymen the next time you see them for their service to the Men of Signum Crucis.
Thank You for Assistance at the Helias Catholic MonkLife Retreat
Many thanks to Men of Signum Crucis Kevin Stock and John Williams for clearing their calendars to help mentor and chaperone young men from Helias at the annual retreat at Our Lady of Clear Creek Monastery in Hulbert, Oklahoma. I am indebted for their help, and I hope they gained as much from the experience as I and the Helias students did.
Our Next Gathering–December 18
Our next gathering is on December 18. Our presenter is Father Dylan Schrader, Pastor of St. Joseph Church in Westphalia and St. Anthony of Padua in Folk. Just in time for Christmas, the title of Father Schrader’s presentation is “The Gifts of the Holy Spirit.”
Father Schrader has a doctorate in Systematic Theology from Catholic University, but I can assure you he speaks on our level. I know you will be amazed at what you will learn on December 18, so mark your calendars now.
Food and fellowship will follow in the Commons after Father Schrader’s presentation.
Presentations on Miracles on December 15-16 in Westphalia
Men, Man of Signum Crucis Charles Williams from St. Joseph Church in Westphalia has reminded me that their parish will be hosting Tim Francis on December 15 and 16. Tim will be giving his presentation entitled, “Signs from God–Miracles and Their Meaning.” I would recommend this for anyone–even if you have seen this presentation before, you are sure to learn more. For more information, click here to access the St. Joseph Church website.
In Conclusion…
I hope each of you will bring another new man or two with you to our December 18 gathering–young or old, old or new. They’ll be glad you asked them.
We are called to be disciples, and as disciples we have a calling to spread the Gospel in whatever way we can. Bringing someone new to our monthly Gatherings is a great way to fulfill our missionary calling.
Thank you for your fidelity to the Men of Signum Crucis. Your dedication to this growing apostolate is inspiring. I pray that our gatherings help you grow in your faith each month. Please give any Planning Group member your feedback regarding how we can make your time at our gatherings more faith-filled. (Current Planning Group members are Father Paul Clark, Travis Bruemmer, Jeff Cassmeyer, John Hoke, Tim Holly, Tim Hronick, Larry Jansen, Brian Johnson, Sean McKenzie, Mike O’Rourke, Deacon Ray Purvis, Donnell Rehagen, Ken Sandbothe, Philip Schulte, and myself.)
Men, don’t forget to express your gratitude to your priests as often as possible. Thank them after each Mass you attend for giving you the opportunity to receive the Real Presence of Jesus himself.
And, let us never forget: St. Joseph “chose hard.” When given the choice, let’s choose to do the same.
St. Joseph, Foster Father of the Son of God, and patron saint of the Men of Signum Crucis, pray for us.
In hoc signo, vinces,
Mark Rehagen
P. S. In hoc signo, vinces:
Future Events:
● December 18, 2024 (Father Dylan Schrader on the Gifts of the Holy Spirit)
● January 15, 2025
● February 19, 2025 (the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass)
● March 19, 2025
Mark your Calendars now
2nd Annual “Heart of a Hero” Men’s Conference–April 25-26, 2025
You won’t want to miss this one!